Elettrosud groupSustainability
During the last years, Elettrosud has carried out a series of interventions aimed at the rational and efficient use of energy to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy in its company. In fact, Elettrosud’s attention to environmental issues and in particular to those related to energy efficiency has, in recent times, become a priority in our company policies, representing a goal to be achieved in a decisive way both to improve the company’s energy efficiency performance with consequent cost optimization and to make its own contribution to the environment. Elettrosud has therefore established a budget of about €200,000.00 in 2019 for the replacement, modernization and creation of systems aimed at reducing consumption and emissions connected to its processes and a determining factor in this choice was the possibility of participating to the ban Por Campania Fesr 2014-2020 with which our project was co-financed by the European Union, the Italian State and the Campania Region, offering us the opportunity to carry out an investment program in this area and allowing us to obtain a contribution equal to 50% of the eligible expenses, thus reducing to approximately 100,000.00 resources to be committed to the initiative.
In particular, consideration was given to replacing obsolete diesel-powered air-conditioning systems with energy-efficient heat pumps. In this sense, the organization, for the same temperature and humidity comfort, has decided to abolish diesel convectors to use systems powered by self-produced electricity. Another aspect analyzed in order to reduce electrical absorption was to make more efficient and effective the transmission network of the driving force. In this regard, since the exchange cabin is located approximately 200 m from the site, a second supply line was created in order to reduce losses due to the joule effect. Once the consumption reduction and optimization activities had been carried out, we moved on to the sizing of the photovoltaic system necessary for the on-site production of the energy required to carry out the production activities.
The whole project therefore concerned, as mentioned, 3 different areas:
- The air conditioning system with the timely replacement of low efficiency systems and components with higher efficiency ones or the replacement of 4 oil-fired convector heaters with 2 heat pumps powered by electricity. For the same climate comfort, the energy consumption needed for air conditioning has been halved, thus allowing a reduction in consumption and related emissions.
- An activity of technological optimization or in our case a rebuilding of the electrical line connecting to the Enel power supply point with the creation of a second electrical energy transmission line, useful for reducing losses due to the Joule effect and which allowed us to reduce losses and keep the system efficient.
- An activity of installation of renewable source systems with energy produced for the self-consumption of our operational headquarters which resulted in the creation of a photovoltaic system with a power of 150 kW installed on the roof. In this way, the energy supplied and deriving from fossil fuel has been further reduced with a beneficial environmental impact on the lives of all people.

Sustainability Policy
Elettrosud Group considers the future not only as economic goals, it is tenaciously committed to giving maximum attention to what it will leave during its growth.
A rigorous method aimed at developing the company’s superior ability to compete on the market, based on clear advantages not only economic but also on decisions aimed at sustainability.
In addition to internal eco-sustainable choices, the company’s commitment has the clear objective of taking care of the next generation of the territory offered.